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2nd   Sunday Service 9pm

          Graduate Sunday

4th   Choir at 11:30pm

6th    Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

9th Sunday Service 9pm

1th Choir at 11:30pm

13th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

         Finance mtg. at 6:30pm

         Ad Man at 7:30pm

16th  Sunday service at 9am 

17th   Visioning Mtg. at 7pm

20th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

23rd  Sunday service at 9am

          Scholarship Sunday

27th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

30th Sunday service at 9am


2nd Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

4th Clean up Day 10am

5th   Sunday Service 9pm

        Jubilation Station 10:15am

         Community Dinner 4-6pm

7th   Choir at 7:30pm

11th Hanging Plant and More Sale 9-11am

12th Sunday Service 9pm

          Jubilation Station 10:15am

14th Choir at 7:30pm

16th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

         Finance mtg. at 6:30pm

         Ad Man at 7:30pm

19th  Sunday service at 9am 

            Jubilation Station 10:15am

21st Choir at 7:30pm

23rd Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

26th  Sunday service at 9am

           Jubilation Station 10:15am

28th Choir at 7:30pm

30th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom


2th Choir at 11am

4th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

7th   Sunday Service 9pm

        Jubilation Station 10:15am

8th  Visioning Mtg. at 6:30.

9th   Choir at 7:30pm

11th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

          Finance mtg. at 6:30pm

           Ad Man at 7:30pm

14th Sunday Service 9pm

          Jubilation Station 10:15am

           Community Dinner 4-6pm  

16th Choir at 7:30pm

18th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

21st  Sunday service at 9am 

            Jubilation Station 10:15am

22nd  Visioning mtg. at 7pm.

23rd Choir at 7:30pm

25th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

28th  Sunday service at 9am

           Jubilation Station 10:15am

30th Choir at 7:30pm


1st Brooks BBQ 3-6pm

3rd Sunday Service 9pm

5th Choir at 11am

7th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

10th Sunday Service 9pm

12th Choir at 11am

14th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

      Church all committees at 6;30pm via zoom

17th  Sunday service at 9am 

            Jubilation Station 10:15am

18th Visioning Mtg. at 6:30pm

19th Choir at 11am

21st Clean-Up Day at 10am

         Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

         Membership Class at 6:30pm

24th  Palm Sunday service at 9am

           Jubilation Station 10:15am

26th Choir at 11am

28th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

29th Manhattan Clam Chowder Sale 11-2pm

30th Easter Flower drop off 10-11am

31st Easter Sunday service at 9am


4th Sunday Service 9pm

6th Choir at 11am

8th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

      Church all committees at 6;30pm via zoom

11th  Sunday service at 9am 

            Jubilation Station 10:15am

13th Choir at 11am

14th  Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 pm

15th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

18th  Sunday service at 9am

           Jubilation Station 10:15am

20th Choir at 11am

          Vision Mtg. 6:30 pm

22nd Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

25th Sunday service at 9am

27th  Choir at 11am

29th  Bible Study at 10am via Zoom


6th Brooks BBQ 4-6pm

7thSundayService Cancelled

9th Choir at 7:30pm

11th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

         Church all committees at 6;30pm via zoom

14th  Sunday service at 9am 

            Jubilation Station 10:15am

16th Choir at 7:30 pm

18th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

21st  Sunday service at 9am

           Jubilation Station 10:15am

23rd Choir at 11am

25th Bible Study at 10am via Zoom

28th Sunday service at 9am

30th  Choir at 11am

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